Vacuum One
Proudly Represents:
- Advanced Energy
- Applied Thermal Control
- BriskHeat
- ColdEdge Technologies
- CTI-Cryogenics
- Edwards Vacuum
- Gamma Vacuum
- MKS Instruments/Granville-Phillips
- Polycold Systems
- Veeco ALD Systems
- Veeco MBE Components

Power Supplies
Advanced Energy is a global leader in innovative power solutions, offering power supplies and non-contact thermal instrumentation.

High and Ultra-High Vacuum
CTI-Cryogenics is recognized throughout the world as the leading producer of innovative products based on cryogenic and vacuum technology. CTI cryopumps are the preferred choice among the world's leading vacuum-processing equipment manufacturers.

Pumps and Components
Atmosphere to Ultra-High Vacuum
Dedicated to keeping pace with your vacuum-technology requirements, Edwards Vacuum is recognized as a leading manufacturer and supplier of vacuum pumps, pumping systems, and components.

Ion Pumps
High to Ultra-High Vacuum
Gamma Vacuum is a leading supplier of UHV ion pumps, ion pump controllers, and ion pump accessories. They are dedicated to one thing: "creating the purest vacuum environments on Earth."

Vacuum Instrumentation for Total and Partial Pressure
Atmosphere to Ultra-High Vacuum
Recognized as a leader in supplying vacuum equipment of exceptional quality for over 40 years, MKS Instruments/Granville-Phillips offers a complete line of instrumentation and gauging from atmosphere to UHV. They also offer the 830 Vacuum Quality Monitor (VQM), the world's fastest and lowest power mass spectrometer.

Custom Cryogenic Solutions
ColdEdge Technologies provides custom <4K to 1000K cryogenic solutions for laboratories and researchers around the globe.

Applied Thermal Control
ATC offers a versatile range of compact and quiet recirculating chillers with cooling capacities from 0.5kW to 14kW.

Ion Beam Technology
Kaufman and Robinson, Inc. (KRI®) designs, builds, and markets broad beam ion and plasma technology products to the vacuum process community. They offer both gridless and gridded ion sources.

Surface Metrology
KLA is the world leader in stylus and optical profilers, offering the industry's widest range of metrology tools, including the Alpha-Step line of stylus profilers as well as the MicroXAM line of optical interferometers.

ANCORP offers high and ultra-high vacuum components including vacuum hardware, valves, chambers, and custom fabrications.

Water Pumping
High Vacuum
Polycold offers the highest quality closed-loop Cool Solutions® available in the world. Their products include PFC Water Vapor Cryopump, PCC Compact Cooler, and PGC152.

Veeco ALD Systems
Veeco is the leading provider of atomic layer deposition (ALD) systems for research and industry applications.

Veeco MBE Components
Veeco offers a complete range of molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) system components, including advanced heaters, power supplies, equipment controllers, cabling and software packages developed specifically for MBE processes.

BriskHeat provides the widest variety of flexible surface heaters, temperature controls, and insulators world-wide. Their core heating element technology is extremely durable and flexible, making it suitable for a wide range of heating applications.